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Help With Sales Breakdown and Analytics

Being a MOM Helpers Clients means getting the exact information you need in a simplified and consolidated format that helps you make better decisions.


  • MOM Version: M.O.M. ver 9 (SQL)
  • Stations: 5+ Stations
  • Server: SQL Server Professional/Server 2008 R2
  • Workstations: Mixture
  • orders: < 1000 per day
  • Industry: Educational products and books.


Sales Commissions are paid based on Salesperson and the ID is frequently changed (in error and on purpose).


Wrote a program to provide exactly the information the client needed on demand.


The MOM Helpers Client custom application was developed to quickly provide the information quickly and easily in just the format they needed.

Help With System Bugs and Inconsistencies


  • MOM Version: M.O.M. ver 9 (SQL Express)
  • Stations: 5+ Stations
  • Server: SQL Server Express/Server 2008 R2
  • Workstations: Mixture
  • orders: < 1000 per day
  • Industry: Industrial products


Sales Commissions are paid based on Salesperson and the ID is frequently changed (in error and on purpose).


Wrote a program to review orders and force the correct Salesperson's ID onto each order so that Commissions are paid correctly.


The MOM Helpers Client custom application was developed to quickly fix the issues the client was having with their Salesperson Commissions. Their exact quote was: "...your programming is correcting a lot of the mom bugs we seem to have in this stupid new version 9"

A clients Mail Order Manager system suffered a system crash

Being a MOM Helpers Client means improving system performance, reliability and maximizing uptime.


  • MOM Version: M.O.M. ver 5.1 (Enterprise)
  • Stations: 5 Stations
  • Server: 2008 R2
  • Workstations: XP
  • orders: > 10,000 needing processing
  • Industry: Autoship, Repeat Shipments, Negative Option

General Conditions

Network and workstations utilization is not optimized and little or no attention to basic system maintenance.


Batch Order processing screen was inaccurate after processing and Orders were not advancing stages.

Client thought that Reindex ALL files would solve the problem. The Reindex crashed.


Connect to clients system. Cleaned-up two main workstations configurations. Repaired files. Reindexed specific files.

Offered a minimal maintenance plan to improve system performance and reliability.


The MOM Helpers Cloud was developed specifically for clients that want to run their business and not invest in the hardware, software, and staffing required to maintain the technical infrastructure require for an enterprise application like Dydacomp's | Freestyle Solutions | M.O.M.

A client has an unsupport versions of dydacomp M.O.M.

Being a MOM Helpers Clients means security and assistance for versions unsupported by Dydacomp.


  • MOM Version: M.O.M. ver 4.3 (Enterprise)
  • Station: 1 Station
  • Server: None
  • Workstations: Windows 7
  • Orders: 20-50 per day
  • Industry: B2B, Sales Management, Record Keeping

General Conditions

Workstation functioning fine.


Client's primary concerned is that any Windows Update or change he needs to make that might render the system unusable.


MOM Helpers Cloud offers optimized, stable, reliable and secure environment for any version. Using your version of M.O.M. from anywhere on almost any device without the risk of data loss or system obsolescence, is an important reason to make the switch to the MOM Helpers Cloud.


The MOM Helpers Cloud was developed to optimize, secure and stabilize the performance of M.O.M. It is specifically for clients that want to run their business and not invest in the hardware, software, and staffing required to maintain the technical infrastructure require for an enterprise application like Dydacomp's | Freestyle Solutions | M.O.M.


SRx has 30+ employees and processes hundreds of orders a day. In 2008, SRx's executive management determined that the best way to grow was to improve consistency in automated billing. Mail Order Manager does not allow for flexible billing variations and the features included are inherently cumbersome to manage. In the last 2 years, SRx had multiple IT managers that had good technical skills. But, their programming skills varied widely . Most attempts partially solved problems and created data and system stability issues.

Most of the internal IT was no longer available. MOM Helpers facilitated a thorough analysis of the Mail Order Manager set-up and the client's network by interviewing existing management, remotely connecting to their systems. The result was a mutli-national coordination effort to meet specific goals; resolve system stability, increase data confidence and implement billing automation.


With their defined business objective as a guide, MOM Helpers helped SRx realize an execute an automation program to improve billing cycles without staffing or management involvement. Their are reports e-mailed to executive management daily on the status of the automation so that they are comfortable that their 'hands-off' process is reliable - check and balance.

SRx's increase in collection has improved significantly as a result of the processes implemented and additional projects include MOM Helpers.

credit card

MOM Helpers makes it easy to save on credit card processing fees.

MOM Helpers Card Services Sign up for MOM Helpers Card Services & you could save $100 for every $100,000 in charges!*

Replace SiteLINK with CartMaster

Replace Freestyle Solutions SiteLINK
Switch your SiteLINK to CartMaster a MOM Helpers premier cart product. Combine it with our MOM Helpers Card Services and you could save a bundle.

Switch to ShipStation Integration for fast easy shipping.

Switch to ShipStation
Shippo not working out for you? Switch to ShipStation Integration for seamless shipping.

Let us build the perfect cloud solution for you.

MOM Helpers Cloud Services
MOM Helpers Cloud is a new type of approach to managing your business and not your software. The cloud is designed to help you get things done faster and easier.

We are experts at Freestyle Solutions' Multichannel Order Management / Mail Order Manager customization.

MOM Helpers customizations can eliminate any possible mistakes and force the system to work the way YOU need it to.

Truly Multi-Purpose

MOM Helpers Integration allows you to seamlessly integrate to virtually any eCommerce solution or 3rd party system, so that your options are endless!

MOM Helpers Makes Your Transition with Setup, Training and Data Conversion Easy!

Data Conversion
Leave it to the experts at MOM Helpers to convert your Freestyle Solutions' Multichannel Order Management / Mail Order Manager system data.

Let our experts train you in proper use of Freestyle Solutions' Multichannel Order Management / Mail Order Manager software.

Providing help through expert training, technical support and customization our customers operate more efficiently and at very low cost.

We are experts at Freestyle Solutions' Multichannel Order Management / Mail Order Manager support and training.

By providing help through expert training, technical support and customization our customers operate more efficiently and at very low cost. Our success is measured in the loyalty and value our clients place in the unbiased and experienced guidance we share with their organizations. This relationship transforms their business operations and our full-service approach ensures success for our clients.

With our experts setting up Freestyle Solutions' Multichannel Order Management / Mail Order Manager is a breeze.

MOM Helpers Setup is necessary when you are new users of Dydacomp's Freestyle Solutions' Multichannel Order Management / Mail Order Manager. MOM Helpers will setup the features and modules based on what is best for your work flow. MOM Helpers Setup may be necessary as you grow and want to implement Dydacomp's | Freestyle Solutions | MOM modules that will help your work flow efficiency. MOM Helpers setup of Dydacomp is easy because we take the time to explain how proper use of the Dydacomp's | Freestyle Solutions | MOM benefits your operation.
Mail Order Manager 4
Mail Order Manager 4
Mail Order Manager 4
Host your Mail Order Manager version 4 on the MOM Helpers Cloud
Mail Order Manager 5
Mail Order Manager 5
Host your Mail Order Manager version 5 on the MOM Helpers Cloud
Mail Order Manager 6
Mail Order Manager 6
Host your Mail Order Manager version 6 on the MOM Helpers Cloud
Mail Order Manager 7
Mail Order Manager 7
Host your Mail Order Manager version 7 on the MOM Helpers Cloud
Mail Order Manager 8
Mail Order Manager 8
Host your Mail Order Manager version 8 on the MOM Helpers Cloud
Mail Order Manager 9
Mail Order Manager 9
Host your Mail Order Manager version 9 on the MOM Helpers Cloud
Mail Order Manager 10
Mail Order Manager 10
Host your Mail Order Manager version 10 on the MOM Helpers Cloud
Mail Order Manager 11
Mail Order Manager 11
Host your Mail Order Manager version 11 on the MOM Helpers Cloud
Start enjoying your MOM again. Call MOM helpers!
Help, training, support and true cloud hosting for all Freestyle Solutions MOM (MOM) versions. With or without a Freestyle Solutions support contract.

MOM Helpers
MOM Helpers

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